Abnormal signs that indicate the risk of colorectal cancer

For early detection, patients should have regular health checkups and cancer screening.

In terms of risk factors, according to doctors, people with a history of adenomatous polyps, stalkless serrated polyps, enteritis, with a family history of colorectal cancer, familial polyps or advanced adenomatous polyps, are subjects at high risk of colorectal cancer.

In addition, people with diabetes or breast cancer are also considered more susceptible to colorectal cancer than the average person.

Besides, the disease can be encountered in people with a diet low in fiber, high in fat and animal protein. This diet alters anaerobic bacteria in the colorectal, turning bile acids and cholesterins into carcinogens.

At the same time, a low-fiber diet reduces the volume of feces that cause constipation, carcinogens that are in contact with the intestinal mucosa longer and more concentrated, acting on the epithelium of the colon.

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