Pro-Iranian militias attack U.S troops in Syria

The U.S. has controlled the Al-Tanf area since the U.S.-backed New Syrian Army (NSA) rebel group captured the border with Iraq in 2016.

The U.S. has controlled the Al-Tanf area since the U.S.-backed New Syrian Army (NSA) rebel group captured the border with Iraq in 2016.

The U.S.-built base here is considered a key strategic location for the U.S. to gain influence in the region because of its proximity to the border crossing between Syria, Jordan and Iraq.

Al-Tanf is also the only place with a significant U.S. military presence in Syria outside the kurdish-controlled northern region.

U.S. troops withdrew at the end of 2018, but then returned and maintained the garrison, establishing a 50-kilometer buffer zone around Al-Tanf to prevent potential clashes with Syrian and Russian government troops.

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