Should people with heartburn drink milk?

Eating sugar-free gum helps salivation that can soothe, reducing the amount of acid in the stomach.

Bananas have a lot of potassium, alkalinity is a good fruit that helps reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, preventing gastric juice from refluxing into the esophagus.

After each meal should not lie right away or wear too tight clothes.

External influences on the abdomen or interfere with gravity holding food, acid in the stomach cause the person to heartburn continuously. Here are some ways to prevent heartburn can be done at home.

Eat a lot of vegetables, tubers and fruits: is a measure to avoid heartburn by supplementing fiber from vegetables and fruits.

A diet high in vegetables helps the digestive system function healthy, avoiding constipation.

Limit foods that create stomach acid: coffee, chocolate, oranges, tangerines, onions, fatty meat … creates a lot of gastric juice, causing heartburn and heartburn.

Split meals: patients with gastroesophageal reflux should split meals during the day to help the stomach work efficiently, avoid overload.

Eating slowly, cutting food into small pieces also overcomes the symptoms of heartburn.

Slimming: Belly fat in obese people can pinch the stomach, pushing acid up.

Patients need to exercise regularly, move their body, avoid belly fat, wear loose and comfortable clothes.

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