Self-identification of inflammatory-type back pain

Back pain eases with exercise

In addition to the above signs, inflammatory-type back pain caused by ankylosing spondylitis also causes problems such as: pains that often appear in the lumbar spine or the buttocks and hip area; fatigue, shortness of breath; loss of appetite, weight loss…

After conducting a self-examination, if there are any signs of back pain type of inflammation, the patient should soon see a doctor for an examination.

Inflammatory back pain and ankylosing spondylitis, if not well controlled, not only damage the vertebrae but also affect many other organs and parts of the body, leading to a series of complications such as:

Ankylosing joints and vertebrae: As inflammation grows, the body promotes the formation of new bone.

These new pieces of bone narrow the gap between joints or vertebrae, eventually making them stick together.

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