Insomnia wreaks havoc on women's beauty

Common problems with lack of sleep:

Dry, inflamed skin

Information from the journal Glamour (UK) shows that lack of sleep increases the levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body, making the skin more susceptible to inflammation, dryness, pallor, puffiness.

Insomnia also reduces collagen in the skin.

The deterioration of collagen accelerates the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin and other signs of aging.

According to the American Center for Sleep and Neurology, lack of sleep can trigger the sympathetic nervous system, activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis that increases glucocorticoid secretion causing impaired skin protective function.

Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels, and inflammation in the body leads to hyperpigmentation, which causes darkening of the skin, irritation, prone to red acne, premature aging.

Cortisol breaks down proteins that keep women’s skin smooth and radiant.

This deprives the skin of oxygen and vital nutrients, causing it to look dull and have dark spots.

Poor sleep also increases the rate of aging, pore size; the tone and brightness of the skin is significantly reduced.

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