Differences between animal and plant proteins

Benefits to health

Plant-based diets are associated with a decrease in blood pressure compared to diets rich in animal proteins.

Studies show that vegetarians tend to reduce body weight, reduce cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of stroke, cancer, death from heart disease compared to meat eaters.

A diet rich in nutritious plant foods such as whole grains, vegetables, nuts, seeds has a lower risk of heart disease, one study said.

However, not all plant-based diets and plant-based foods are beneficial for heart health.

A plant-based protein diet is also beneficial with the management of blood sugar levels, treatment, prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Eating animal protein is also associated with an increase in lean muscle mass, a decrease in muscle loss that occurs with age.

Every person who eats fish regularly is associated with a decrease in the incidence of cognitive impairment, heart disease.

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