Acupuncture cures fibromyalgia

This is a traditional Chinese method of medicine that involves placing hair-thin needles at strategic points on the body.

The acupuncturist will put a needle in the sore spot, the needle is twisted until the person in pain feels a vibrating sensation, this feeling has an analgesic effect.

Acupuncture needles will activate into the myofascial spots, which are hard areas of connective tissue that can cause pain.

Researchers from the past said that acupuncture allows the flow of a life energy called gas to travel throughout the body.

According to the theory of Western medicine, acupuncture activates a number of activities in the body, including the peripheral and central nervous systems, spinal glial cells, the inflammatory response of the immune system.

In addition, acupuncture has a role in activating the endogenous opioid system (a natural mechanism of pain relief in the nervous system), the pain suppression system in the central nervous system (believed to be the cause of dysfunction in fibromyalgia).

For fibromyalgia, acupuncture has many health benefits such as reducing the level of pain, helping people with fibromyalgia sleep better, activating the immune system, enhancing relaxation, and enhancing the overall health of people with fibromyalgia.

Besides, fibromyalgia has some advantages over conventional methods of treating fibromyalgia, such as low risk, no negative interactions such as taking medications or supplements, no need for regular laboratory tests.

Research using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows that acupuncture has a real impact on brain structures associated with fibromyalgia pain.

Specific acupuncture leads to changes in the levels of two neurotransmitters, serotonin and substance P.

Serotonin is involved in pain processing, sleep/wake cycles, alertness, appetite, libido, mood and digestion.

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