Should I eat foods rich in alkalis to block tumors?

Cancer patients who eat alkaline-rich foods such as vegetables, seaweed, fruits, limiting fish meat will help alkalize the blood and prevent tumors from growing, right doctor?


Some observations found that the environment inside or around the tumor is usually acidic, which can be caused by lack of oxygen, blood that feeds the tumor, certain substances from the tumor, or because the body creates an acidic environment that surrounds the tumor.

Therefore, some people think that by alkalizing the blood can prevent the tumor from growing.

However, this is just self-speculation, with no scientific evidence, like rumors about nutrition.

Followers of this school believe that when eating foods called rich in alkalis such as nuts, vegetables, tubers, fruits, seaweed, fruits … and stay away from foods that are supposed to be acid-producing such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages… will help alkalize the blood and stop the tumor.

In fact, the alkaline-acid balance in the body is a sophisticated, complex process.

The pH level in the blood must be kept constant with small fluctuations, otherwise the whole body is affected and death is possible if the change is too large.

The two main organs, the lungs and kidneys, are involved in keeping this stable.

pH changes in postprandial urine are only regulated by the kidneys to keep stability in the blood, not the blood pH.

Food does not affect blood pH, so measuring pH in the urine does not reflect the pH in the blood.

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