Is coronary heart disease hereditary?

The higher the blood pressure, the more force exerts on the walls of the arteries.

Over time, high blood pressure can damage the arteries, causing atherosclerosis.

Therefore, if your blood pressure reading is too high to normal (more than 130/80 mmHg), see your doctor for instructions on how to stabilize your blood pressure.

Limit alcohol: a glass of red wine has the effect of lowering LDL cholesterol but drinking too much alcohol will be dangerous to the heart.

Specifically, alcohol abuse contributes to obesity, high blood pressure, heart failure.

Blood sugar control: Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in people with diabetes.

These two pathologies have many of the same risk factors, including high blood pressure, increased LDL cholesterol, increased triglycerides, obesity.

Uncontrolled high blood sugar levels will damage the arteries, which over time can lead to atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease.

Studies have shown that people with diabetes are twice as likely to die from cardiovascular disease as people without the disease.

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