How does female hormones affect health?

The production of hormones is regulated through the feedback mechanism, i.e. when the hormone of the ovaries declines will act on the brain to stimulate the pituitary gland to release hormones such as FSH, LH.

Conversely, if the hormones of the ovaries increase, there will be a response to the brain that reduces the secretion of hormones.

Hormones help perfect the physiological function of the genitals, contributing to the smooth, toned and youthful skin.

It also maintains stable health, creates sexual desire, high ability to conceive, avoids many diseases related to cardiovascular disease, cancer and metabolic diseases …

Causes of hormonal disorders and ways to improve

From the age of 30, the brain axle system – pituitary gland – ovaries begin to work weakened, no longer coordinate rhythmically causing female hormones to be disturbed, increase and decrease, erratic rise and fall.

According to scientists at the University of Edinburgh, women lose 90% of their eggs before the age of 30 and only 3% of their eggs are in their 40s.

The declining number of eggs leads to a rapid decrease in the hormonal trio, the proportion of the hormones is no longer balanced, the brain axle system – pituitary gland – ovaries lose balance.

In addition to age factors, hormones with abnormal fluctuations are also seen in subjects such as postpartum women, women with ovaries removed, use of birth control pills, frequent stress, use of stimulants, nutrition imbalance …

These are also factors that affect the axle system, contributing to hormonal perturbation.

Women face a series of physical and mental problems, beauty and the ability to bed such as dark skin, wrinkles, body is no longer balanced, irregular menstruation, hot flashes, skin aging, excretion disorders, decreased fertility, vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, decreased sexual desire…

According to Dr. , to stabilize female hormones To help the body to be healthy, young, you need solutions both inside and outside that affect the “operating system” of the brain – pituitary gland – ovaries.

Specifically, women need to build a healthy lifestyle and living; have a balanced diet, enhanced green vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, cereals; keep the spirit of optimism, avoid stress, prolonged fatigue.

“You can add herbs such as Lepidium Meyenii which contains many minerals, B vitamins (B1, B2, B12), vitamins C and E, amino acids, sterols, fatty acids.

These nutrients have a positive effect on the brain -pituitary-ovarian axis system, supporting this axial system that governs the production and regulation of female hormones properly and sufficiently for women’s needs.

As a result, women enhance their health, beauty and physiology,” according to medical experts.

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