Common mistakes when treating hypertension

Stop the medication yourself.

Experts encounters cases of patients voluntarily stopping the drug when they see normal blood pressure index.

They only drink when they see high blood pressure.

This is dangerous because normal blood pressure is due to the effect of the drug, when the drug is stopped the index will increase again.

If the blood pressure rises too high, it will cause dangerous complications.

“We can live in peace with the disease if we take the drug regularly for the rest of our lives, only stopping the drug as prescribed by the doctor,” Experts emphasized.

Sharing a prescription

High blood pressure, the measurement can reach 200 / 100mmHg but because there are no symptoms that make many people subjective.

Many people think that hypertension is the same treatment should ask for medicines from others, buy their own drinks, treat them themselves.

This is very dangerous because each patient has a different health condition, blood pressure index, stage of the disease, accompanying pathologies.

Therefore, each person will be treated differently as directed by the doctor.

Change your medication on your own.

Many patients who are taking stable blood pressure lowering drugs voluntarily quit, in exchange for another type. Dr. Mai emphasized that the best drug is to help control blood pressure well, few side effects, reasonable price.

Patients should not change their medications on their own when their blood pressure is stable.

Use of floating traditional medicines

Currently, many patients still believe in herbal medicines, fearing western medicine many side effects.

Some people hear that the leaves, roots of plants should be bought to cook drinking water.

In fact, homemade drugs can increase liver enzymes or damage the kidneys.

Herbal medicines, if studied clinically, can be clearly taken under the supervision of a doctor. However, patients note that the majority of herbal medicines only support treatment, not specialty drugs.

Take a prolonged prescription, do not go to the doctor again

Blood pressure changes can be good or bad with complications that are difficult to recognize.

Therefore, when the patient re-examines periodically, the doctor checks his health, adjusts the drug, the dosage is suitable for each stage.

The patient absolutely does not arbitrarily take a long-term prescription.

Many patients have high blood pressure but have no obvious symptoms so they do not know.

The disease progresses silently causing complications such as stroke, myocardial infarction, kidney failure …

Therefore, every person, regardless of age should check their health, blood pressure periodically.

Meanwhile, some people think that when taking the drug obviously blood pressure will be stable, there is no need to measure blood pressure at home.

According to Experts , despite taking blood pressure pills, it is possible that the drug overdose causes a drop in blood pressure, lack of dose, blood pressure is still high.

Therefore, the patient needs to monitor at home despite taking the drug.

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