"Big breasts" not only cause loss of aesthetics, causing hunchbacking and collapse of the lungs …

Reputable hospitals, skilled surgeons will reduce the risk of surgery.

The disease is not only seen in pregnant women, after childbirth, but also in adolescents of puberty.

There are many patients who come to the hospital late, giant breasts cause collapse of the lungs, difficulty breathing … stretching down the thighs causing neck and neck pain, hunchback …

The patient has difficulty breathing, difficulty walking while experts warns that the cause is children with Philoid disease. This disease develops strongly, has clear tumors.

Most tumors are benign but also have a malignant rate.

Hypertrophic breast is a pathological condition that increases the volume of the breast excessively normally, caused by the overgrowth of mammary tissue accompanied by an increase in penetration of the surrounding fat organization.

This condition can occur right at the time of puberty or after the period of childbirth.

The younger the child, the faster the breast enlarges. The case of a 12-year-old boy who has only appeared for a year, went through many hospitals but did not diagnose the disease, prolonging the treatment period made the disease worse.

According to experts the larger the tumor, the more obstacles the surgery will be.

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